Thursday, December 16, 2010

Empaths & Metaphysical Aspects of Food Preparation

A Metaphysical Theory of Food
By Kevin Friel, Empath
I'll preface this with keeping Masaru Emoto's intention water experiment in mind (sending 'love' produced beautiful crystals, 'hate' jagged ugly ones...). I started thinking about the value of food after touring a top nutritional testing facility near Chicago this summer, and hearing that facilities CEO speak. My thought process brought me to the conclusion that not only what and how we eat and how it is prepared is important, but who handles the food through the farming/supply chain/distribution/preparation/serving process. More importantly, what is their INTENTION while taking part in this process?

Families used to prepare, cook, and in a lot of cases even farmed their own food together. They would then sit around together and eat. For the most part (sibling rivalry aside), the intention of all those people was to basically love the food that would keep their loved ones going. Even if we directly transpose the results of Dr. Emoto's findings to this, water is used quite a bit in preparing and cooking. If the intention is set in the water surrounding the food products, then no doubt that same energy would transfer into the ingredients. But I'm sure intention directs the building blocks of food (as we already know, energy effects everything!) in the same way. In the end, we ingest the loving energy 'intended' into the food. That has to transfer into our bodies too! Empathic receptions aside, why do 'home cooked meals' taste and FEEL so much better than an equivalently prepared meal at a mediocre restaurant?

So, the flipside. Much of our 'cheap' food comes from poverty stricken nations in large, factory-style farms. People are happy to work for the limited money, but the conditions are often poor to uphauling with long-hours and many accounts of abuse. The intention is set right from the crib of our ingredients. Hate for their boss, for their health, for missing their family etc, gets infused into the ingredients before they even get to the next stage of prep. If they are shipped across seas, more often than not the shipping crews are in a similar situation as the farmers. Sometimes this is compounded by having adjacent containers (or in some extreme cases, even the same shipping container) carrying drugs/weapons/human traffick. Another point for negative intention infusion. The truckers who spread the ingredients to the rest of the continent often lead dubious lifestyles, or miss their families greatly. Yet another point.  
If we are buying these products from a large discount chain, the warehouse staff are underpaid, and underappreciated. If we end up with these ingredients at a sub-par restaurant or fast-food chain, some preparers even PHYSICALLY put intention into the food (spitting, unsanitary practices...), never mind the metaphysical effects of such actions. So we end up with multiple points of potential 'hate' energy being infused, and then digested into our systems. Would this explain the broader link between depression and fast-food consumption (nutritional considerations aside)? Are GM foods filled with the negative intentions of their penny-pinching project-managers?

There are so many ways to be exposed to 'intentional energy', this seems like a very important one. And it puts so many pieces of our societal paradox together.

I would love to hear the reader's comments on this.  Have you heard of a "theory of food" anything like this floating around out there, and any other viewpoints along the way.  I intend to make a short film on the subject, so your comments will be helpful.

Kevin Friel, Canada


Michelle Phillips said...

I spent years being a vegetarian, and one of the reasons for that was the fear and adrenaline that run thru a creature's bloodstream when they are killed. This was not the sole reason for me becoming Vegan, but it was a major consideration.
Another thought that comes to mind here is the fact that as meat or veggie eaters, we are imbuing the souls of those living beings that we eat. How does this affect us? Or does it? Or maybe, it only affects the most sensitive amongst us, the empaths.
I spent many years as a Chef and cook, preparing food for others, knowing all the while that the food I prepared would carry my energy signature. I chose, consciously, to prepare the food with the energy of Love, and it was always well received, and left the participants with the right energy afterwards.
I totally agree with every point you've made here. I believe we need to be more cognizant of what we do put into our bodies, as it does affect our state of mind. I'd love to see a short film on the subject. I think it's a wonderful idea to explore. Not just for us empaths, but for the ones who come after us, to make us all more conscious of our connection to Mother Earth and all of Her creatures.

Eddy said...

Hi Michael,

First I'd just like to thank you for your work with empaths as I've only recently discovered this year that I'm an intuitive empath and always wondered when I'm such a positive person why I would be very conflicted around groups of people with all their energies pulling me in different directions. I bought your book navigating 2012 last week and it's a great read, thank you :)

On to my comment about food, health and nutrition.

I was reading a blog post by author Tim Ferriss a couple months ago about the Paleo Diet Solution and how raw foods are better for the body, so no processed foods, basically cooking your own as much as possible.

I've always believed in the power of intention and also agree with Dr Emoto's research that I came across in the movie What the Bleep do we know?

So having said that I try to only buy locally grown and organic foods to make my own meals. When I'm out with friends I definitely eat whatever I want in restaurants but I've stayed away from carbonated drinks, sweets, and junk food and feel more energetic, more balanced, and my body and skin feel healthier.

Kat Carroll said...

This was a great post taking into the consideration the negative aspects of reluctant/abused workers, etc. and the consumption at mass market. I had recently posted on the positive aspects I employ at our Retreat ( on our blog:
The East Indians have a saying about cooking with love as cooking with "the scent of the hands". Brother Lawrence, in Practicing the Presence of God, filled his monastery kitchen with songs/prayers over the daily food he prepared raising the vibration on perhaps other levels other than water.Food prep is sacred work. Taking the responsibility for the life and health of another is a major commitment best left to those who care. I can tell the difference...Good success with your film! And advise me please when it's released. Kat Carroll, Adytum

Kara said...

I also think what you say is true...I've watched as my husband who is a chef sold his restaurant, and while the new owners use the same recipes, there have been comments like "it doesn't take the same". Of course it doesn't - the old intention of love for the customers is no longer in the food.

I also often think myself that the value in local food, is the closer energetic tie that we have to it. By loving where we live, and then by extension, having that love go to food growing around us, it seems that local food is probably also better for us energetically from that standpoint....

Thanks for an intriguing post!

(I'm currently trying to get meat out of my diet, and the meat that remains trying to have cruelty-free)


Sherry Andrea said...

Awesome article! Again, I love your blog!

I have always thought of those foods as low vibration foods. We are creator and as creator anything we create we are putting our vibrations into it. Prayer shawls are a perfect example. Of course someone is praying (raising their vibrations) as they are creating it. Instead of you are what you eat in this case it would be you create what you are. Low vibration farms (area), low vibration people (even if their vibrations are low because of oppression and not really their fault).

But something else to consider is that you can raise the vibrations of your food that you buy...especially empaths. Empaths have the ability to transmute negative energy and vibrations so for an empath or anyone who can do a little energy work you can take control over your foods vibrations.


empath traits said...

This is something that is really helpful to all empaths. Thanks for the share and I hope to read more inspirational stories here.

Anonymous said...

Something I've never thought of but so true. I've always thought it of silly but I make sure I add love to everything I cook. Just recently my daughter has been helping me and I let her know that its the most important ingredient. lol It always leaves me in a better mood.

Joel said...

If you're still exploring a "theory of food," I'd like to share this article from May 6, 2012:

I've been fascinated by the balance between bringing higher intentions to the food experience, and the idea that food, as an expression of the divine, carries its own uniquely cosmic intentions, which we participate with, via resonance, when we make healthy food choices.

Thank you for bringing up the many aspects that affect the food vibration. It's quite a labyrinth of influences to consider, and makes me want to seek the essence within the food -- the core that surely lives there as an intrinsic wave of original divine light.